Successful stories

Sanadi, a graduate of the University of Virginia, is studying electrical engineering at the University and the Virginia Institute of Technology. He is currently working on a project to develop a ground controller for two planes that are programmed to communicate to complete a mission, such as reconnaissance or delivery.
He holds the position of Deputy of the UAE Club at the University and the Technical Institute of Virginia, and participated in several events and events, including the Gulf Council in cooperation with the Saudi Club and Oman, where the UAE National Day was celebrated.
He is currently working on the project "Solar Thermal", a satellite dish equipped with cameras and cameras programmed to track the sun all day, so that it can collect energy from them to generate electricity, heating water and air and drying crops.
The electrical engineering studies are of great importance in life, due to their interference in many sectors of industry and various civil activities. It deals with the study of electrical energy and its various applications in the field of electronics, energy supply, etc. The electrical engineering includes several things such as electronics engineering, Which makes it a distinguished specialty that is witnessing a lot of turnout.